Our Services

Weight Loss/Gain Management

Weight loss is the process of reducing body weight through a combination of healthy eating, regular physical activity.

maintaining body shape.

Maintaining body shape or fitness involves sustaining a balanced lifestyle through consistent exercise, healthy eating habits.

Medicine free live.

Living medicine-free involves adopting a lifestyle focused on natural health practices, including nutrition, physical activity.

Nutritional Advice

Nutritional advice provides personalized guidance on food choices and dietary habits to optimize health and wellness.

Muscle Building

Muscle building involves targeted exercise routines and nutrition strategies designed to increase muscle mass.

Mobility / Flexibility

Mobility and flexibility focus on improving the range of motion and suppleness of muscles and joints.

Our Packages

Our Starting package

PRICE Monthly
  • Loss 1.5 kg to 2 kg per month

Our Buster packages

PRICE Monthly
  • Loss 2 kg to 3 kg per month

Our premium package

PRICE Monthly
  • Loss 3 kg above kg per month


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